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SmartApps / Inspiration  / Tips to Build an Expert Apps Development Team

Tips to Build an Expert Apps Development Team

Creating a successful app requires expertise in a range of skills. An app is not just an app, it is a business. The first step in putting together your mobile app business dream is taking stock of your experise such as the biggest value you would bring to your app team depending in your type whether you are a detail person, a technical or a strong designer because it will identify the type of CEO you are. Once you know the skills you bring to your app team, you can then hire experts with entirely different skill sets.

In general, most app teams require a product manager, designer and developer. The following are details about each type of position:

Product Manager: S/he is the team leader who drives the vision of an app into a reality and comfortable in a variety of disciplines especially the long-term planning.

In order to find the right people for your App Development Team, you should first turn to the people you know and their networks and gain the greatest insights about their professionality.

Designer: S/he is responsible for crafting the app’s user interface and help with the branding of the app.

Developer: S/he is responsible for the app’s technical architecture and writes the app’s code and contribute the most amount of work to an app.

In order to find the right people for your App Development Team, you should first turn to the people you know and their networks and gain the greatest insights about their professionality from their connections and their referrals from their networks. Each position requires slightly different skills and experience evaluations. For any position, pick two or three screens from an app (or product) the candidates worked on, designed, or developed. You should also use non-skill-based assessments to priotirize the cohensiveness of your team. It is important to make sure that your team members will work well together, a quality beyond skills and experience. Hiring your own team requires more than just finding the right people. Otherwise, you have to handle everything from HR to legal issues.

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