About Us

SmartApps is a startup company for diverse apps development producing high-quality apps to meet the market demands and customers’ needs.

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Machine Learning

Apply complex statistical methods and ML algorithms to build end-to-end machine learning solutions.

Natural Language

Assess ideas for natural language processing solutions and developing tools for human language processing.

Computer Vision

Help to develop intelligent computer vision systems to satisfy unique requirements of customers.

Data Analysis

Provide data analytics consulting sevices to boost analytics techniques to extract valuable insights.

Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Artificial Inteligence solutions will be available for all mobile devices and computers and operating systems and will subject any intelligence demands.

Fast and Perfect

Fast artificial intelligence models with a perfect performance in achieving complex tasks
How It Works

Artificial Neural Networks

Our goal is to build artificial neural network models to emulate the human intelligence and to resolve complex tasks and problems and provide innovative solutions to the specific problems encountered in developed apps.

Humanoid Intelligence Rising

We are looking forward to working in developing artificial intelligence for robotics and humanoids to perform more efficiently and to interact with more human manner with people and to be more efficient in achieving tasks.

High Technologies Application

We are looking forward to developing artificial intelligence models to operate and perform with very high efficiency on high-tech processors and utilize the high capabilities of these processors to perform much better.

Artificial Intelligence Building

We will build artificial intelligence systems to meet the needs of our developed apps.

Future Predictions

We will develop systems to predict the future based on the events of present.

Human-AI Interaction

We will apply machine learning to substitute models interacting better with human.


Machine Learning

Customer Satisfaction


Natural Language

Customer Satisfaction


Computer Vision

Customer Satisfaction


Data Analysis

Customer Satisfaction


The brainstorming of an idea is the logical step prior to the planning which will be based on innovative and creative thinking.


The planning is very important to discover the opportunities and challenges and to explore the strengths and weaknesses.


The strategy will be the core of our work to utilize the most strengths and seize the best of opportunities toward the success.


The success is our final goal which will govern the processes of our work and the steps of our work toward attaining the goal.

Service Table

Save 30% off your money! Business / 55.99 per month Trial / Free per month Profesional / 85.99 per month
Send unlimited e-mails
Display personalized messages
Send text messages
Send live message alerts
Create smart segment using values
Organize contacts into lists

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